2024 剧情片 剧情

印度移民工人纳吉布·穆罕默德(Najeeb Muhammad)前往沙特阿拉伯赚钱的真实事件。然而,命运弄人,他发现自己过着奴隶般的生活,在沙漠中央放羊。

2015 剧情片 剧情

The film, Silent Heroes, is based on the story of 13 real deaf children who through mountaineering want to prove that they are different but not disabled. The Leader who never considered the deaf children as capable and equal and discouraged them all through the course gets badly injured in an accident. This might be an end to Children dreams of scaling Himalayan peaks and prov...

2023 剧情片 剧情
“Dasara” tells the tale of socio economic conditions, political ambitions and power struggles set against the backdrop of the Singareni coal mines in India’s Telengana state.
2023 喜剧片 朋友
2023 动作片 剧情

“Dasara” tells the tale of socio economic conditions, political ambitions and power struggles set against the backdrop of the Singareni coal mines in India’s Telengana state.

2017 剧情片 动作

辉煌的吉檀迦利家族只剩下公主一个人,当了“女王”的她与权力至上的政客发生矛盾,不知道如何面对以后的种种问题。还好先王最信任的贴身保镖巴瓦尼在女王左右协助她打理一切,慢慢的女王与忠诚的巴瓦尼走得越来越近。   总统宣布国家进入紧急状态,政客趁机打击吉檀迦利女王,夺走了皇室的黄金,还逮捕了女王。英勇的巴瓦尼前来拯救女王,召集了自己的朋友,踏上了为女王夺回黄金的道路。 运走黄金的是赛海尔军官,他准备用一辆特殊打造的军用货车将黄金带到新德里。 巴瓦尼一伙能否成功将黄金带还女王?巴瓦尼是否能跟女王在一起?
